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Project information

Immigration to the U.S. has occurred over the span of humanity, since its migration from Siberia to Alaska by walking and possibly boating during the last Ice Age. From the foundation of the colonies in what was to become the United States of America, the modes of transportation have included by foot and by boat, (and in the 20th century, by plane and car). Foreigners have entered the country both legally (by requesting permission from the U.S.) and illegally. This narrative will only review legal Immigrants as reflected in the 2021 census. My interest in Immigration stems from my entering the country as a first generation immigrant with my parents and younger brother. The opportunities that this country gave me have inspired me to set up a scholarship program at my alma mater Hunter College for individuals who are first generation immigrants (or the children of first generation immigrants) and who are also the first person in the family to go to college.

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